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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Greener Earth Maps

Greener Magazine and GCB Press are pleased to announce our newest feature, Greener Earth Maps. In association with Google and Google Earth Greener Mag has developed an interactive mapping and imaging feature which will enable our readers to explore by map and satellite the places, events and news that impact our environment, our society even our daily lives.

Greener Maps will have links from our main page articles with features, images, and narrative that enhances the subject with even more in depth information and invites you to explore our planet or your own back yard in amazing detail. Our editors and guest writers will pinpoint the location of an environmental catastrophe or that new 'green roof' factory in your town as we report it, and you control the visual tour. Your world just became more interactive.

In weeks to come readers will be able to interact with Greener editors by posting directly to the mapping feature and report their own green news. So take a tour on Earth Maps and then write us today with the subject Earth Maps and join the internet's most connected green news team.

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12:03 PM