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Monday, November 20, 2006

Global trade: neither free nor fair

In this second edition of Greener's alternative points of view: 'resources, want and the meaning of 'shared quality of life', we examine the light directed on "Fair Trade" in 2005-06, by campaigns like the "Starbucks challenge" and Fair Trade Labeling initiatives; is the social experiment in economic justice really working?

The National Radio Project interviews some of the people at the heart of the experiment.

Although the advent of so-called free trade has made it much easier for goods and services to cross borders, it hasn't always made life better for average people. On this edition we'll hear how workers in Ghana are struggling to cope with the pressures of globalization. We'll also take a look at the ballooning United States trade deficit, and examine the fair trade label.


Jorg Bergstermann, resident director, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Daniel Kubwafo, poultry farmer; Sam Hansen, agriculture ministry district director, Twifo Hemang Lower Denkirya; Andrew Esemezie, managing director, Supra Telecom Ghana; Marilyn Sandifur, public relations manager, Port of Oakland; Mark Weisbrot, co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research; Josh Bivens, trade economist, Economic Policy Institute; Benjamin Powell, research fellow, Independent Institute; Kevin Danaher, co-founder and public education director, Global Exchange; Colleen Crosby, coffee shop owner; Kimberly Eason, strategic relations director, TransFair USA; Iris Mungia, first secretary of women, Coalition of Latin American Banana Unions; Steve Gliessman, director, Community Agroecology Network.

For more information::

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Ghana Office
P.O. Box 9972, KIA
Accra, Ghana
+233-0-21-77-24-71; fesghana@myzipnet.com; http://ghana.fes-international.de

Supra Telecom

Port of Oakland
Marilyn Sandifur
510-627-1193; msandifur@portofoakland.com

Center for Economic and Policy Research
1621 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009
202-293-5380; cepr@cepr.net; http://www.cepr.net

Economic Policy Institute
1660 L Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20036
202-775-8810; epi@epinet.org; http://www.epinet.org

Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
510-632-1366; http://www.independent.org

Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street, #303
San Francisco, CA 94110
415-255-7296; http://www.globalexchange.org

Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company
331 Locust St.
Watsonville, CA 95076
888-725-2827; info@santacruzcoffee.com

TransFair USA
1611 Telegraph Ave. Suite 900
Oakland, CA 94612
info@transfairusa.org; http://www.transfairusa.org

Community Agroecology Network
P.O. Box 7653
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
info@communityagroecology.net; http://www.agroecology.org

Coalition of Latin American Banana Unions
Apartado Postal 4128
San Pedro, Sula Cortes, Honduras C.A.
011-504-668-1736; colsiba@racsa.co.cr

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